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Welcome to JLAdvertisment , where we transform structured businesses into thriving revenue generators through our exceptional advertising strategies.

Get in touch through the 'Contact Us' page above.

Why Choose Us ?

Piatik is a dynamic social media marketing agency that propels brands to digital success.

Reasons to invest into us:

1. We have a keen understanding of online trends and consumer behaviour.

2. We craft tailored strategies to elevate your brand's presence across various platform.

3. We maintain a high level of client engagement, providing regular updates and monthly reviews to ensure our clients are consistently informed and involved

4. We Offer a 24/7 advertisement service on 7 DIFFERENT PLATFORMS.

5. Customer satisfaction over anything

We will showcase your business on top-tier social media platforms, including but not limited to :


Instagram offers unparalleled opportunities for advertising due to its vast user base, diverse demographic reach, and highly engaging visual format. With over a billion active monthly users worldwide, it provides access to a greater audience for newly emerging or already structured businesses. Its immersive visual content, including photos, videos, and Stories, captivates users' attention, making it ideal for showcasing products and services.

Tik Tok

TikTok's emergence as a dominant social media platform offers advertisers a unique opportunity to tap into a rapidly growing audience of engaged users. Its algorithm-driven content discovery and emphasis on short-form, creative videos attract a diverse demographic, making it ideal for reaching younger audiences e.g: 12 - 30.


Google's dominance in the online sphere, particularly in search, makes it a prime platform for advertising. With billions of searches conducted daily, businesses can leverage Google Ads to precisely target users actively seeking their products or services. The platform's robust targeting options, including keywords, demographics, and geographic locations, ensure ads reach the right audience at the right time.